Tuesday 12 March 2013

Plastic canvas tissue paper box

How to make tissue paper cover using plastic canvas.

For making this type of tissue paper cover I only use rectangular shape of plastic canvas. There are many shapes of plastic canvas but in Pakistan only two shapes of plastic canvas rectangular and hexagon shapes are available at market. You can buy it from thread shop.
These types of handicraft are mostly women make in villages. Now I tell you how to make tissue paper cover. For making tissue paper cover following material you need

  1. Thread                                                                2 different colors
  2. Needles                                                             one large size not sharp
  3. Rectangular shape Filled Plastic canvas              12 only
  4. Rectangular shape unfilled Plastic canvas            12 only
  5. square shape Filled Plastic canvas                       4 only


  1. First take thread and needle put thread into the needle.
  2. Take two unfilled Rectangular shape Plastic canvas combine it with thread so it become a medium size Plastic canvas then take two more Rectangular shape Plastic canvas and combine it will be another medium size then other two combine.
  3. After that takes these medium size Plastic canvases and combines it like that one in center and other two are combine with it. So it becomes a large Plastic canvas.
  4. Take three filled Rectangular shape Plastic canvas combine it each other with thread after that combine it with large Plastic canvas at left side. then take three more Rectangular shape plastic canvas combine it each other  after that combine it with large Plastic canvas at right side. So it become more large Plastic canvas
  5. Take 6 unfilled Rectangular shape Plastic canvas and cut it like that two in small Rectangular shape Plastic canvas four in hockey shape Plastic canvas.
  6. Than take one small Rectangular shape Plastic canvas and two hockey shape Plastic canvas. And combine it tike that small Rectangular shape Plastic canvas is in center so it become a stapler pin shape Plastic canvas. Then make a pair like that. Then fill it with thread.
  7. After that take these two stapler pin shape Plastic canvas and combine it with more large size more Plastic canvas like that one in left side and one in right side. So it becomes a big size Plastic canvas.
  8. Take two fill square shape Plastic canvases first combine it with thread then combine it with big size Plastic canvas one side and other side combine other two square shape Plastic canvases but these square shape Plastic canvases are not combine with each other. So it becomes a tissue paper cover.

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