Tuesday 26 March 2013

flower bread dough

How to make flower bread dough.

Last time I tell you how to make cold porcelain dough which is used for making different flowers. There are different types of dough which are used for making flower. Now I tell you how to make another type of flower dough for making this type of flower dough I used bread slices. This is easy to make. The materials you need for making this type of dough are as follow,


Bread                    2 slices
Glue                      4 tea spoon
Water                   1 tea spoon
Vinegar                 2 drop
Bowl                     1 only
Shopper bag         1 only
Spoon                  1 only

First take both slice of bread one by one and remove crust with your hand you can also use knife for removing crust.
After that take bread and divide into small pieces.

Take a bowl but 4 tea spoon glue and 1 tea spoon of water in to that bowl mix it with spoon until no bubble is remaining.

Take small pieces of bread and tear it and put it in to that bowl.

Mix with spoon and also press it very well with the help of spoon.

So this mixture will be come together. Then take this mixture in your hand and also add all remaining dough which is in bowl with it.

Then press and roll the dough with your hand for 1 to 2 mints until it will be come to smooth dough.

Then put 1 to 2 drop of vinegar in to dough which make dough smooth.
Then again knead it.
Always put the dough in to air tight shopper bag otherwise it will dry or become hard.
Vinegar is optional if you don’t have vinegar then no problem.

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